Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Post-Turkey Day Biking Adventure.

What can I say....we were fat and happy and full of turkey.  Just the thing to spawn a mini in town bikey adventure.

Since we now live over by Hidden Valley, my adventure started with a pleasant 6ish miles up the river path!  Pleasant if you have good bike lights that is!  It also gave me the chance to ride the newly improved 4th street with some great lighting of its own and very plush bike lanes.

The ride ended up bringing us to the Reno Home Brewer, right next door to an old favorite building (the previous home of the Reno Bike Project).  There, warming commenced with a couple of pints of beer at a discounted rate for those who arrived by bike!

Bicycles are welcomed right inside!

Although, since the new customized bike racks have arrived and should be installed on the beautiful sidewalks outside the front door....you might not need to park inside!

So while perhaps not much of an adventure overall, it did give us a reason for riding, beers with good friends, and another blog entry for the books!  So get out and find your reason to ride over the holiday season!

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