Thursday, September 29, 2011

RGJ Article on 3ft law.

Just a note.  The RGJ ran a pretty good article this morning on the new 3 ft law...except for the first line.

Heads up, motorists.
If you're passing someone riding a bicycle, you'd better keep at least 3 feet away or -- as of this Saturday -- you'll be breaking the law.

This is classic "us" against "them"  mentality that breeds anger and discontent.  The article does a nice job of laying out the new law and it's intent from here out.  However, every person reading it who doesn't already ride a bicycle occasionally is now indignant that they have a new threat against them on the roads. 

The comments section is already filled with the typical banter about how cyclist don't follow the rules, don't pay for the roads (no gas, no tax), etc.  Since it's pointless to comment there, I'll counter the normal points here, just for reference.

Some comments are correct:  Some bicyclists don't follow the rules of the road.  The run stop signs, lights, and don't act predictably.

The response to this is easy (and also correct):   Some motorists don't follow the rules of the road.  The run stop signs, lights, and don't act predictably.  The real answer is both parties are acting irresponsibly and should be held responsible for their actions. 

To the second argument:  Cyclists don't pay for the roads.

The response is also easy:  With respect to the gas tax.....  Most cyclist own cars and are licensed drivers just like you, meaning we pay exactly the same taxes.  To that end, the current gas tax doesn't even cover the cost of road maintenance in our region or the country as a whole.  It certainly doesn't make enough money to build roads.  The taxes responsible for road building are levied on each of us as property owners and local and national citizens.  If you want to rant on the gas tax please consider.  The maintenance required for our roads is due to the weight of the vehicle and the relative friction it causes to the surface.  Needless to say, bicycles aren't leading to the deterioration of our roadways.

Ok, so that's my take on the two most common gripes from the RGJ comments.

Now for the real note.  You might be seeing some latent hostility on the roads this week and next from the new law or just the RGJ article!  Be aware of your surroundings and actions, you always lose the fight with the 2 ton vehicle!

Ride safe!

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