Monday, January 30, 2012

Building better bike lanes.

Reno has been building bike lanes around town at an impressive rate over the last few years.  I believe this is a good thing for a city like Reno.  Traffic has continued to increase as our population grows and having an alternative, dedicated (non-car) infrastructure provides a way to get some of us out of cars.... thinning out traffic for those who still want to drive.

The current expansion of bike lanes does get more people out riding bicycles.  Sort of a build it and they will come mentality.  However, the bike lane design currently used still puts riders in a fairly vulnerable position adjacent to traffic.  This means that some people who might ride are still intimidated on certain sections of road and therefor may chose not to ride as much as they'd like to.

This video clip put together by the city of Portland, Oregon shows what the future of bike lanes might look lanes 2.0 if you will.

On the Right Track from Mayor Sam Adams on Vimeo.

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