Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Aces Baseball Steps up to the Plate...with an Apology!

Earlier this week I posted about the Reno Bike Project Snow / Slow Roll.  Part of my post criticized Aces baseball as their security asked our group to leave the property because we were blocking traffic to the venue.

Imagine my surprise when I received an email from a founding father of the Reno Bike Project letting me know that the blog post had found it's way to the President of Aces, Erik Edelstein.  It seems that Erik contacted the RBP directly to apologize for the misunderstanding and with a desire to make things right.

So, I will retract my earlier call to stay away from Aces Baseball if you enjoy arriving by bike. Instead, let's give it another go and see if we can't all "play ball" (sorry couldn't help myself).  I know I'll definitely be back after this....after all it is a great venue to have right in downtown Reno!  So if this little blog happens to find it's way up the ladder again...Thanks Erik, the personal touch makes a difference and we'll be back to Aces Ballpark again!

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