Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New stuff soon....but important meetings are coming!

Ok, I'm back from vacation and pictures will follow.  I managed to get sick the first day back so I'm just hitting work and it will be crazy.  Until I regroup, there is an important meeting this week for the 4th / Prater St. corridor.  Basically, they don't want to do anything on 4th street through the heart of Reno and want cyclists to use 6th st (which is an industrial wasteland).  We want to use 4th because that's where everything cool is!!!  E.g. to me cool is currently bars, restaurants, and the Reno Bike Project. 

Anyway, here's the flyer.  We need people to come to this meeting and give opinions.  We can change their minds, but we need a turnout to do it.

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