Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Cycling tourists and Warm Showers.

If you've never heard of Warm Showers you're likely not into cycle touring.  Basically it's a list server you can sign up for and if you're on the road touring and need a place to crash you can find someone in the area who will host you.  It might just be camping in their yard and access to a bathroom....or a nice comfy bed, a warm meal, and a shower.  Just depends on what the host offers.

Anyway, I've been a member for about a year and recently had my first visitor.  A gentleman from Spain (more particularly the Basque countryside).  He's on a tour from San Francisco out to Elko, up to Boise, over to Portland, and back to San Francisco....all in search of elements of Basque heritage here in the region.  If you didn't know Nevada and Idaho have more Basque than anywhere except the homeland....and UNR has the largest Basque library in the country.

Anyway Xabi was a great guy and I got two days of culture in exchange for taking him out in Reno and giving him a place to rest up for a couple days.  Perhaps some of you might be interested in a similar experience?  If so check out Warmshowers.org!

Riding with Xabi on the way out of town.

A must have picture with the classic Reno arch.

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