Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Battle for Midtown....Not Done Yet!

The unlikely group that is making Midtown a better place....cheers to all of you!

Progress has been made.  An "acceptable" plan for the street has been approved.  However, the fact that this little (but influential) group is back at Craft with beers in hand means there is still room for improvement.

Mainly for the two reasons in this picture....bikes and parking for cars.  The current plan leaves all the parking spots in Midtown untouched and asks cyclists to ride in the same lane as cars with painted sharrows (share the lane markers).  No bike lanes in a place that obviously attracts large numbers of folk on bikes. 

With time running out we going to give council and RTC one more push to have the vision Reno needs for the future.  So stay tuned....we might be needing people on petitions, people filling meetings, and people stepping up to the mic to make comments.  

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