Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Outside living - not at it's finest.

Yesterday I highlighted some of the progress that really is happening along the river path....including a new hotel downtown and some apartments near Broadhead park.  I also hinted at the increasing problem of homeless camps along the river path.  Here's a few pics to help illustrate the issue.  Unfortunately, it's not a small problem.

Not a small area....they span almost a 1/4 mile of the path.

Chopping fire wood....aka...damaging the limited trees we do have.

More camps...and yeah....that's a discarded shoe in the lower left.

More camps.

Camps with "paved" entryways and signed names.

A lot of garbage...this will probably end up scattered around the path and in the river.

1 comment:

  1. more distant his I provisions that I think I've joined up with into and I recommend company reviews therefore Copy Buffett on mustard i7 billed a lot from the old apparent law or the old Proof Act yet clearly enough we ought to be implementing the new.
