Thursday, June 22, 2017

Not Dead Yet!

Well....clearly I'm not really blogging any more.  Mostly because Eugene is a whole new playground and I've just been exploring it.  Anyway....with the new job is a new office.  It looks something like this:

Yep, I get a lot more field work in the new position.  And just for reference to you folks in Reno...the green things are trees.  You can see the Sisters in the background if you're wondering about the snow covered peaks.

And just to keep this bikey.  Here's a bikepacking get together at Oakshire Brewery (yep, I still like breweries) that happened last week.  Standing room only!  Nothing like a strong biking community to get the camping season off to a strong start.  And with that in mind...I'm off to the Oregon coast for a little camping and riding of my own. 

Cheers Reno People!

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