Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bike Path construction update.

Last week (or earlier this week...can't remember) I posted on a closure of path at Broadhead park.  I did reach Jeff Mann of the Parks department and he told me it would be intermittent.  Turns out this was true as the closure had been moved off the trail on my ride home.

Yesterday, however, it was back and there was actually work being done!

I am actually impressed that they have signs specifically for this, including a bike/pedestrian detour sign. 

Unfortunately, if you follow the signs you'll be heading south indefinitely, as the signs on either side of the project are the only two signs present.  I get it, you just detour around a single city block and you're back on the trail.  It does beg for the question:  What if you did this type of detour to auto traffic (e.g. no signs)....I bet you'd have some pretty annoyed drivers!  Or what if someone unfamiliar with the trail and roads encountered this?  It just seems like another prime example of second class treatment when you're not automobile traffic.

Ok, so enough gripes on detours.  The path was already patched up by this morning.  They have cut some of the asphalt and laid new asphalt in it's place along one edge of the path.  The new asphalt seemed a little less than quality work (I could see holes here and there), but we'll see how it turns out once the completely wrap up.

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