Thursday, May 9, 2013

Keystone Canyon housing project has been pulled!

Whooo....hooooo!!!  The plan to build on top of Keystone Canyon has been pulled by the developer.  Don't know too much about why yet (other than the huge outpouring of public concern), but I'll try to dig into it.

What I suspect is that these Zombie projects (to quote Jeff Mitchel) come back around as the economy continues to recover and they try to go forward with a host of permits that were issued 10+ years ago (literally 1998 in this case).  The real problem is that many of the permits and studies required expire after a certain time period.  When faced with the fact that the public wasn't stoked about the project and going to make noise....the developer probably worried the city might review the permits/studies and request that they come up to date with them.  And......things have changed a bit since a decade ago and so it might require they put more effort and $$$ in to the project to get it set up again.

Either way, we get at least a reprieve on this one folks!

1 comment:

  1. The Preacher and I were talking about the pulled permit, and I think the more people appreciate the open space and start to think of it as "their space" the harder it is to change it's use and develop it privately. There are a lot of hikers, runners, bikers, and dogs who enjoy Peavine and Keystone Canyon.
