Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Petty or Principle?

I snapped this picture out my office window yesterday.

If your not familiar with these guys, they're like an adjunct police officer.  Just private citizens that volunteer for the Reno Police Department (RPD) and kind of keep a presence felt in areas that the police don't feel they can patrol enough.  Apparently, they've expanded their duties because these guys were using a radar gun to clock traffic speeds.  Usually I see them in more suburban neighborhoods but none the less, yesterday they were outside my window. 

So don't get me wrong, these guys are great and providing a community service we desperately need with all the recent budget problems.....  They are however parked in a marked bike lane and they stayed there for about an hour.  I watched as three cyclist had to merge into 50 mph traffic to get around these guys.  Just not good planning and we certainly do not want RPD representatives showing the general public it's OK to park in bike lanes (unless it's an emergency).  

So what do you think?  Am I being petty or is it the principle of it that grinds on me.  I'm guessing a little of both, but they still shouldn't park there.

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