Monday, October 1, 2012

Moana Lane Divergent Diamond Design.

So I don't usually write about pure road construction projects, but Moana Lane (which is has always been one to avoid) may be the sight of some very interesting road/bike design.  Specifically, it's called the Divergent Diamond Design and looks like this....

So as you can see, it actually does a real life version of criss-cross-crash (if you ever played with matchbox cars you'll get the reference) and it includes bike lanes in the mix.

I worked on Moana Lane for years and when riding to work I tried to stay off Moana until the last moment I could.  It previously had no bicycle facilities, fast traffic, and tight lanes.  So with the remake it will be interesting to see if it feels better.  I'll ride it at least once to test out this intersection on a bike just because it's novel.  How about you....are you up for adventurous new bicycle intersections?  Maybe?  Maybe not?  Try out the virtual drive through here:

Driving the Moana Lane (Reno) DDI - a Video Simulation 

(It's kind of a big download so be patient!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for finding this link and sharing it!
