Monday, January 28, 2013

"Normal" cycle attire?

I know that many times I get on here and talk about "regular" cycling cloths (ok, perhaps not lately....but I used to).  The question is what are regular cycling cloths?  A lot of people's minds go right to the spandex outfits you see "serious" cyclists wearing.  For me this just isn't the regular cycling cloths are whatever cloths I happen to be wearing at the time.  That's the thing....if your ride is only a few miles (or under 10 or so), no special cloths are needed.  You're just riding a bike!  Secure that pant leg so it doesn't get greasy and off you go.

So normally I don't give spandex much credit.  This morning however, I may revise my views on spandex.  So without further delay....if you must ride in spandex, I believe you should also show some style.  And nothing says style like a one piece PeeWee Herman spandex suit!

I don't know where you can buy this, but someone in Reno definitely needs to get one of these for the next group ride!

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