Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bike to Work Week Superstar....Julie Hunter!

My friend Julie is famous (and also largely responsible for all things bike to work week)!

KTVN Channel 2 - Reno Tahoe News Weather, Video -

Things that make this little video clip kind of awesome.

Landon Miller shows us how not to wear a bike helmet!  When you put a helmet that far back on your head it serves pretty much no purpose.

Landon / Julie dialog:  "Do cars just suck or what?" "Yes, yes."  Nuff said!

Chris Dugan quote:  "It (biking) replaces coffee in the morning, it wakes you up."

Ok, I'll give you that biking does wake you up. It does NOT...EVER replace my coffee in the morning. I love biking...but do not mess with the coffee. That's just sacrilege!

Super Burrito a Reno landmark.  Hadn't thought about it that way....but darn it....now I want Super Burrito! 

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