Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I Suck!!! Yep, and I'm going to continue to do so.

I saw this yesterday on Bike Portland and Bike Carson has a write up on it as well this morning, but even as a new and inept bicycle blogger I'd be remiss if I didn't get my two cents in.

So yesterday I went to the GM site and found an email link.  Now normally I don't dive in and start shooting out emails when I'm kind of mad.  Well, I guess mad isn't the right word....I was just in kind of shocked disbelief.  I probably should have counted to 10, reviewed the email and deleted it, but I didn't so here's what I sent and the response I got back late yesterday.

My email:

This advertising campaign is really not in good taste. For a mode of transportation that is government subsidized to tell those of us who like to ride bicycles and walk we're losers is unbelievable. Be sure to forward this to someone getting a million dollar bonus at GM this year! 

GM response:

Hello RidinginReno,

We apologize that our College Discount advertising campaign has offended you in any way. Campaigns and slogans are designed to excite and entice eligible GM College Discount participants to purchase a GM Vehicle and are not intended to offend anyone. We will forward your complaint to our marketing team.


GM College Discount
Ah, totally forgot.  The League of American Bicyclists also has a great write up here.... and they include the email address if you want to get your very own response from GM.   As you can see, even if you write them a note with a sarcastic ending they are still very polite when they respond.  I recommend trying it.  It will probably make a difference if they hear from a few other "sucky" bicyclists!

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